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Upcycling & No Waste, from Laboratoires Expanscience

Upcycling Offers Positive Environmental Effects 

Laboratoires Expanscience is a French based company whose vision for cosmetic active ingredients began with upcycled Avocados.  Their zero-waste philosophy has resulted in the creation of a masterful portfolio of 100% natural and eco-designed cosmetic active ingredients and sensory agents.   What’s equally impressive is that 42% of the ingredients in their portfolio are upcycled, which limits the impact on the environment and reduces the creation of new crops.

Upcycled Supply Chains  

It all began with Avocado oil, which was a co-product of the pharmaceutical industry.  Laboratoires Expanscience determined through research and development there was an opportunity to use 100% of the avocado resulting is zero-waste.  Today, they produce 7 ingredients from 1 avocado. 

With the success of Avocado upcycling, Laboratoires Expanscience applied their strategy to other fruits and plants, and currently offer 13 upcycled ingredients from maca, avocado, lupin, prunes and maracuja, otherwise known as passion fruit.

Since 1977, Laboratoires Expanscience is “Science and Conscience, Naturally”, focusing on developing science tested ingredients that are natural and do not harm the environment.  They have applied this philosophy in the development of their full portfolio including Epionine Bio, Neuro Cosmetic Ingredient, Calybiota Bio, Cosmetic active for sensitive areas, Ayuredi, Holistic well aging Cosmetic Active, Soline, Hydrating and Soothing Active ingredient, Passioline, Repairing and Soothing Cosmetic Active. 

To learn more about Laboratoires Expanscience or to get a sample, reach out to Quadra’s dedicated team of experts who can guide you to find the best solution for your formulations.

Explore Laboratoires Expanscience