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Formulated Adhesives & Coatings

Quadra is a North American chemical and ingredient distribution powerhouse. We partner with the world’s best suppliers to provide an extensive and innovative product portfolio. Our people set us apart from the rest, offering specialized services and dedicated teams committed to delivering your tailored solutions.

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Discover the Difference With Our Formulated Adhesives & Coatings Solutions

For over 30 years, we have partnered with our supplier Henkel to offer customized adhesive and coating solutions to a wide range of industries, including food, beverage, pharmaceuticals, and personal care. With our experienced technical sales team, we provide onsite support to streamline your processes, maximize production, minimize waste, and reduce overall costs. Whether you need help with flexible packaging, product assembly, sustainable solutions or packaging adhesive operations, look no further than Quadra – your reliable partner.

Access to a Dedicated & Diverse Team of Professionals

Contact Our Experts

Our team is equipped with the knowledge and technical expertise to answer your questions. Get in touch with us today!

How can we help you?Tel: 1.800.665.6553

Quadra Is Proud to Partner With Some of the World’s Best Suppliers