Beyond The Ice: Mark Griffiths Skates His Way To Prestigious Ray MacDonald Volunteer Award

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In an event where corporate and community intersect, Mark Griffiths, Product Manager at Quadra Group, seamlessly leverages the hockey rink by bringing mining industry professionals from every corner of Canada to attend the annual Ray McDonald Memorial Hockey Challenge in Ottawa during the annual Canadian Mineral Processors (CMP) conference. The event fosters camaraderie and promotes the exchange of ideas amongst peers with the ultimate goal of solving some of the mining industries biggest challenges today.

For many years, members of the CMP have been lacing up their skates to honor and pay tribute to the late Ray MacDonald, a trailblazer in volunteerism and community service. Mark has single-handedly harnessed the sport’s universal appeal to continue Ray’s work, turning the memorial hockey tournament into a cornerstone activity of the annual CMP conference in Ottawa. From fundraising, to organizing players of various ages and backgrounds, to making donations to purchase ice time in support of local Ottawa hockey teams.

A spotlight was shone on Mark Griffiths at CMP Conference in Ottawa as the 2024 Ray MacDonald Volunteer Awardee. Having been nominated by his peers in the mining industry for his leadership and passion for organizing the event, nominators noted his exemplary commitment to community service, success, and growth of the memorial hockey challenge year after year for over 12 years. Mark operates from a holistic approach, creating a synergy between community service and corporate service excellence. His 26-year career in the mining sector inspires him to deliver his best, not only within the workplace but also in the communities where our customers, suppliers and member organizations operate and work, creating a legacy of positive momentum that Quadra can be proud of. Congratulations, Mark!

A Common Thread: Embracing the Ethos of Ray MacDonald

A succession of Quadra mining employees embraced the ethos of Ray MacDonald. Their stories echo a common thread of professional achievement coupled with a profound commitment to community service, extending far beyond their respective job titles. Rob Piccolo, Senior Business Development Manager at Quadra, was awarded the Ray MacDonald Volunteer Award distinction in 2018 for his 25 years of professional service and his leadership as a volunteer for the local BC/Yukon CMP Branch. From organizing valuable local chapter programming to actively getting to know everyone in the room with curiosity and earnest, Rob is known for his profound networking ability and outgoing personality.

What makes these Quadra employees so remarkable is their collective contributions beyond their individual success, for the betterment and well-being of the communities they serve.