Quadra’s Technical Service Helps Diagnose and Treat Persistent pH Issues in Customer’s TEG Dehydration Process

A major gas producer in the Dawson Creek, BC area had been struggling to maintain the pH of the triethylene glycol (TEG) in their dehydration units at acceptable levels for years, necessitating close monitoring and frequent treatment with pH booster additives. Usually there is a known cause of pH problems in TEG dehy plants such as oxidation or thermal degradation, only the root cause of their chronic pH problems had not yet been identified.

TEG in the Dehydration Process

The TEG dehydration process is widely recognized in the gas processing industry as a reliable method to remove water from natural gas to meet pipeline sales specifications. An important aspect of this process is maintaining the health of the glycol, with pH being one of the most critical factors as it directly impacts corrosion rates and the integrity of processing equipment.

Quadra’s Technical Service Team has the Experience and Knowledge to Work with Customers to Understand Root Causes of Process Issues and Recommend Actions to Mitigate Risk

A joint investigation with Quadra, including both site visits and collaborative large group virtual meetings discovered that the produced water coming into the plant with the gas was acidic, a possible cause of the ongoing low pH issues. As the gas producer had minimal influence over the quality of the produced fluids entering the process, they came to Quadra looking for solutions. An alternative TEG product with a small amount of inhibitor and pH buffer in the blend was suggested Quadra’s Technical Service Team.

The customer decided to have one of their dehydration facilities in the area make the switch to ordering the recommended TEG product and has since found pH values to remain much higher and in a more comfortable range than before, helping to mitigate the risk of corrosion and equipment failures in the future.

Quadra’s analytical services and in-depth process knowledge can help to diagnose root causes for fluid heath concerns and provide practical solutions to mitigate risk in operating facilities. Contact us to discuss your specific needs, today.